
Happy New Year!! Are we ready to kickstart 2022 strong? Staying fit and healthy has always been one of the main new year’s resolutions for most people. However, we know that the real challenge is to stick to our resolution. Studies have shown that 80% of people have failed in adhering to their new year’s resolution by the end of January. I don’t want you to be the 80%, I want you to be the 20% who not only succeed, but stick to it in many years to come.

Watch this video as I share with you the 7 ways to lose weight and keep it off for good!

1) Start off easy

2) Be realistic with your expectations

3) Ditch Dieting! Eat Mindfully

4) Reorganise Your Pantry

5) It’s NOT just about the numbers on the scale

6) Be part of a community

7) Be patient and trust the process


What's your fitness goal this 2022? Let me know in the comments below. =)




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