10 Minutes Sexy Arms, Legs, Butt & Abs

By Joanna 15/04/2014 In
Workout With Me
Total Body HIIT


Fun & Challenging workout moves to tone the arms, legs, butt & abs. Remember not rush the workout, instead aim to get the moves right in order to target the right muscles.

Do 10 repetitions for each exercise, with a total of 3 - 4 sets (I did 2 sets in the video). Keep practicing these moves 2 - 3 times weekly on alternate days. All the best! xx

1) Pike Butt Twist (Muscles: Butt, Hips, Arms)

2) Push-up to Frogger (Muscles: Arms, Chest, Legs)

3) Rollbacks (Muscles: Arms, Lower Abs, Legs)

4) Spiderman Plank Up-Down (Muscles: Arms, Obliques, Core)

This 10 minutes workout burn an estimated 65 - 85 Calories.

Lots of Love xx

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