Chair Squat

By Joanna 01/04/2017 In
Exercise Library
Lower Body
Low Impact


Equipment Needed:

Workout Type:
lower, strength, low impact

Body Focus:


• Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Keep both arms straight out directly in front of you with a chair behind you.
• Start to lower your body towards the seat of the chair by bending your knees to 90°, pushing your body weight into your heels.
• As your butt touches down onto the chair, and lift yourself back to standing.

Useful Tips:
• Keep your chest up, back flat and look ahead.
• Avoid rounding your shoulders and back.
• Do not let your knees collapse to the inside or go over your toes.
• Squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to engage the muscles.

You should feel your:
• Glutes, hamstrings and quads.

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