Love Yourself First

By Joanna 09/10/2019 In

“To make positive changes, you must learn to love yourself first.”

Do you have these conversations playing in your head?
“Gosh, I hate the way I look. How can I love myself in this body? Well, when I’ve lost 20lbs and gain a flat belly, that’s when I’ll love myself more!” 

It’s not about self-loath, or punishing yourself, in hopes that you will start loving yourself once you’ve achieve your goals. This constant negative thoughts and expectations will only sabotage your journey.

You have to LOVE YOURSELF before you can lose weight and keep it off for good! It doesn’t mean that you are happy with your current body or state of health, but when you come from a place of SELF-LOVE and ACCEPTANCE, your weight loss journey would inspire you, energise you and make you feel proud of yourself.

You’re able to set realistic goals, celebrate small successes along the way and allow for the little setbacks and disappointments that may come your way.

Self-love and acceptance starts from this very moment, RIGHT NOW. 
- Make a list of 10 things you like or love about yourself. Include things about your body. What are your strengths as a person?
- Thank your body for all the things it has done for you. Perhaps your body has given birth to your beautiful children. 
- Forgive yourself for the ways you’ve treated your body in the past. Have you overeaten, dieted, starved your body, over-exercised or not exercised at all? 
- Stop comparing yourself to others! This is YOUR journey in being the best version of yourself!

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